Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sale and barter exchange.

Sale and barter or exchange:

Were the property in goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer for a price, it is called a sale. Where goods are exchanged for goods, the transfer is called a barter and not sale. Bs put if the consideration for transfer of property in goods consistly of goods and sale.

Sale and bailment:

In a sale , the property in goods is transferred from the seller to the a bailment, there is only transfer of possession from the ballor to the ballee.

Sale and contract for work and materials:

The sale of goods applies to a contract of sale and not to a contract for work and materials. A contract of sale contemplets the delivery of goods whereas a contract for work by another.

Subject-matter of contract of sale:

Goods from the subject-matter of a contract sale. Goods means every kind of movable party other than actionable claims and money; and includes stocks and shares, growing crops, grass and things attached to or under the contract sale.

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