Saturday, August 22, 2009

Farmation of a company

Formation of a company

Before a company is formed, certain preliminary steps are necessary. and whetherit should be formatting a new company or taking over the business of an already established concern.they do all the nessary preliminary work incidential to the formation of a company.

incorporation of a company:

mode of formating incorporating company:

any 7 ormore person associated with for any lawfull purpose may from an incorporatedcompany with or without limited liability. they shall be subscribe their names to a memorandum of association and also comply with other formalities. a company so formed may be:

1.a company limited by shares.

2.a company limitedby guarantee. unlimited company.

documents to be filled with the register:

before a company is all describe to assertain from the rigister of a company if the proposed name of the company is approved then the following documents duly stamped to gether with the nessary fees are to be filled with register.

1.the memorandum of association.

2.articles of association.

3.the agrement for the company.

4.a declaration starting requirment of company.

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